Imperial drums
– 3 DvD”s -
Gravado na mais alta definição sonora 24bit/88 quilohertz (44.1 Quilohertz), o S.I.D – Scarbee Imperial Drums, captura toda a escala dinâmica completa de uma bateria acústica, fornecendo quase 30.000 amostras individuais de baterias acústicas extremamentes convincentes e reais.
Carlsen JiveNEW
Incredible and Slammin' demo by by Henrik Carlsen featuring S.I.D. , W.E.P., R.S.P. '73 and J-Slap'n Fingered.
SID Naked Demo - KitsNEW
Special demo by Simone Coen showing off some sound capabilities of Scarbee Imperial Drums.
SID Naked Demo - MixingNEW
Special demo by Simone Coen showing off some mixing capabilities of Scarbee Imperial Drums.
SID Naked Demo - FXNEW
Special demo by Simone Coen showing off some mixing capabilities (FX) of Scarbee Imperial Drums.
Special demo Stefan Kengen that includes 3 mix: drums naked, drums processed and finally the drums in a musical context.
SID Brush CountryNEW
Special demo Stefan Kengen that includes 3 mix: drums naked, drums processed and finally the drums in a musical context.
That Sneaky Scarbee Feeling
Slick demo by Stefan Kengen
S.I.D. Surprise!
Funny demo by Stefan Kengen
Scarbee Reggae
Reggae demo by Stefan Kengen
SID Vixen
Rock demo by Stefan Kengen
Cálculo Sedex à Cobrar
CEP: 58031-080. Peso:
Carta registrada apenas R$ 4,00
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